About Lucy

In getting to know me, the first thing you need to know is that my sole mission and greatest passion is to support you through your empowerment process.

It’s not about the knowledge I share with you. It’s not even about the chart you see in front of you when you come to a reading with me. None of that truly matters if you do not feel supported.

I’ve been on my personal development journey for nearly a decade; I have full trust in the Human Design system and the evidence that one can truly return to the truth of oneself through this knowledge. Yet, having a support system is crucial for seeing real results with these tools. I’m here to be your guide and your support. I’m here to to give you the determination to keep going when painful shadows crop up. I’m here to help you find find your own inner strength and light in your own time -- after all, personal development is not a race. Together, we will closely examine the limitations that are holding you back and you will gain the inner resources to let those limitations go.

Let’s break and rewrite your inner rule book together!

To better understand me, as your guide, here are a few things to know about me:

  • I’m a 2/4 Pure Generator on the Right Angle Cross of Laws -- the energy of breaking outdated rules and limitations to allow in new, more authentic ways of being is HUGE within me. I’m also very passionate about supporting you in this.

  • I run a farm with my Manifestor husband in Southeastern Australia, where we live with our two boys.

  • The agriculture industry is male dominated, and I have excelled in my masculine energy within it; I love that personal development work, including Human Design and BG5®, have supported me in stepping more into my feminine energy.

My Qualifications:

  • Certified BG5® Business Consultant, The BG5® Institute

  • Generator Coach within Emma Dunwoody’s worldwide HDx Community platform

  • Root Cause Therapy Certification, The Centre for Healing - in progress

  • 1.5 year Advanced Reader Training, Jes Fields & Teo Montoya

  • HD in Colour, Allyson Forseth

  • Intuitive Development, Jess Bubbico

  • Emma Dunwoody, Human Design Mastermind Certification

  • 5 years of my own Human Design experimentation

  • 20+ years, Owner/Director of my Barclee Agricultural Pty Ltd. (livestock ultrasound)

  • Owner/Director of Peel Trading Pty Ltd. (broad acre cropping and livestock producer)

Do you feel like I may be the right guide for you?

Please feel free to reach out via e-mail. Or, if you’re ready to commit now, head over to my Services page to see whether the Personal Pathway or Business Pathway is best for you!