Human Design & BG5® Services
When you work with me, you will choose one of two directions: Personal, or Business. You may wish to journey down both pathways with me at different times, or you may only wish to explore one direction with me. I’m happy to support you in figuring out which direction is the best fit for you right now.
Each pathway is for distinct periods of life and has different end goals.
ways of working with me
ways of working with me ❉
The Personal Direction:
In the Personal Direction, we will explore your Human Design chart. Your Human Design is the blue print of how you are designed move through the world based on where the planets were at the time of your birth, and approximately 3 months before your birth.
Why choose the Personal direction?
You are struggling in life and find yourself feeling more negative than positive feelings in your day-to-day.
You believe deep down that there has to be more to life, yet you aren’t quite sure how to get there on your own.
You are ready to step into the best version of you with a highly qualified guide, who will support you in witnessing your inner strength and owning the truth of who you are.
You are already Human Design literate, yet are curious to go deeper into your experiment with personalised, one-on-one support.
1 hour zoom session
All Human Design levels are welcome; we will start at your level of knowledge and go from there during this session.
8 Week
Centres Deep Dive
1 hour per zoom session
Over the course of 8 weeks, we will dive into each of your Human Design Centres and unpack the conditioning -- i.e. what is keeping you out of alignment -- in each of them. Self-reflection journal prompts are available for you to gain deeper clarity in this process between each session .
Personal Charts and Reports:
Discover your unique design by choosing from the following reports:
Unleash your full potential with a free, personalised Human Design chart covering all the basics to get you intrigued for more!
Step into your full potential with a personalised Human Design Report. Gain insights into your unique energy type, strategy and authority. This comprehensive PDF will empower you to understand yourself on a deeper level and navigate life with greater clarity and purpose.
The Business Direction:
In the Business Direction, we will explore your BG5® chart. BG5® is affiliated with the Human Design system and the BG5® chart is generated in the same way as the Human Design chart. However, BG5® is designed to support you to succeed in business in a way that traditional Human Design isn’t.
Why choose the business direction?
You feel unfulfilled in your work life and would like to learn how to tap into your inherent skills to enrich your work experience.
You are a new or aspiring business owner who is eager to learn how to tap into your inherent skills to move into your business in a way that feels most you.
You have been in business for a while and are looking to take your business to the next level.
You do not need to be familiar with Human Design to engage in the BG5® knowledge. All you need is a willingness to learn and the inner trust that moving into the BG5® material is right for you.
BG5® Career
Design Overview
75 Minute zoom session
A simpler version of Career Design Analysis, we will look at basic guidance for your career and work in this session. This Career Overview is an excellent first step to see if going further with an in-depth anaylsis is right for you.
BG5® Career
Design Analysis
6 Sessions
1 Hour per Session, Zoom
Over the course of 6 sessions, we will go deep into your individual skills, attributes, and weaknesses in business. We will discuss how you can most authentically bring your skills in business to the world, as well as how to make the most of your unique version of success. We will also discuss how you can best transition from working independently, to working in partnerships, and in small and large teams.
BG5® Alpha One and Unified Group Analysis
Long Term Consulting for Manager, Executives, and Teams
Together, we will dive deep into your role as a manager and executive to learn your strengths, weaknesses, where you excel in your leadership, and where you need to delegate. Then, we will work with your team to find the blind spots and gaps within it, and how to strengthen it. Each team members will also have the opportunity for an individualized analysis, where they can learn how to better utilize their strengths to feel more productive and satisfied within the team.
BG5® Reports:
Enhance your BG5® experience with individualized reports made just for you!
This is an excellent introduction to your Career Design and the BG5® System. You’ll receive information about your Career Design, Personal Interaction, Decision-Making Strategy, Key Indicators, and Assimiliation.
This report covers your 16 Success Codes and gives you the tools to understand your unique Career Design. It gives you access to all the gifts and talents within you that you are here to fully utilize and share with the world.
This map provides data for your Success Codes 1 through 16, which will support you in better understanding your Career Design.