BG5® Career Alpha One and Unified Group Analysis:

Are you a manager or executive looking to not just enhance your own unique skills and output in the workplace, but also that of your team? A BG5® Career Alpha One and Unified Group Analysis make be perfect for you!

Over a number of weeks (months?), we will work together to strengthen your whole team from top to bottom. We will start first by examining your role as a manager and executive. We will look at your strengths and weaknesses, when you excel as a leader, and when it would be beneficial for you to delegate tasks to others. Then, we will work with your whole team to assess existing team strengths, as well as group blind spots and gaps that will make it even stronger. Lastly, I will have a 1:1 analysis with each team member to tap into their unique strengths so that they can feel more productive and satisfied within the team setting.

Committing to a Career Alpha One and Unified Group Analysis is a commitment to the long term health and well being of your team. Whether you are are new manager or executive wanting to be proactive about your team’s well being from the start, or you are a long time manager or executive who is committed to seeing their team thrive in new ways, the Career Alpha One and Unified Group Analysis is a wise and game changing investment into the long term success of your team.

This is similar to Disc profiling, however, it blows it out of the water, as we will cover both your conscious and unconscious tendencies. Please fill out the interest form below if you’re ready to work with me, and I’ll get back to you within a few business days.

A reminder that you do not need to have a background in Human Design to engage in the BG5® material!